Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Fight for life! No to RH Bill!

I would like for all women to be respected and not treated as a sex object made accessible via pills and condoms.

I would like to make a stand for the unborn and say once an egg is fertilized, that's a living cell that will grow into a baby. That cell already has a right to life. It is human from the beginning. It has human rights. 

The value of a human being does not depend on his/her usefulness. Kaya nga human being, hindi human doing. A zygote has as much value as a person in a coma and as much value as a highly accomplished individual. One is not greater than another. There is no such thing as a "potential" human being you can eliminate. Leave a fertilized cell alone and it will become a baby.  

This is not just a stand against legislation. This is a stand for life. I am standing against the culture of death. I invite my fellow women to make this stand with me. Sign the petition!

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