Thursday, March 13, 2014


Only now has it become clear to me how much one shepherd has been laying down his life for his sheep...

Maybe he is not liked by some of his confreres but unlike me, he does not let that stop him. He will buy a photocopier out of his own money so he can get the best one which will last longer. He will pay the salaries of teachers in an alternative learning system (ALS) so some out of school youth will get a chance for a better future with an education.

And he advocated for me so I can get a master's degree in scripture because he saw my potential. He believed in me even before I did. He has a knack for that, choosing the right people for the right job. He picked a wonderful teacher for the ALS who keeps laying down her life for her students. He picked a critical minded librarian (who topped the license exams for his profession) so the seminary's library can be put in order. He picked a motherly coordinator for the Certificate in Theological Studies program who is able to befriend just about any one. He picks golden-hearted friends who are willing to make and sell candles to support ALS, cook dinner or wash dishes, buy curtains, take care of awards, entertain guests, sell old books, and any manner of service because they see where his heart is.

And he picked me to edit a journal for philosophy and theological studies because I am qualified to do it—I have experience with a national broadsheet and have published books under my name, one of which was hailed as one of the best reads in 2012. He saw I had a passion for scripture and an interest in the Old Testament, which providentially dovetailed with his own specialization.

And even if people around him misinterpret him and think he is some kind of dictator, the people who are in his circle know better. He puts the action in mission.

Perhaps there is a perception that I am not free to make other choices. But I am free. For a time, I was unsure of where to go and what to do with my life. I could not even say for certain that he still wanted me as part of his staff. Dynamics change. I wanted to give him the freedom if he wanted to hire someone else; on my part, I didn't want to be working full time for the seminary anymore. Part of me wanted to go back to the corporate world; another part wanted the convent. Confused might begin to cover it. But now things are becoming clearer.

All things being equal, I would choose him as my boss. It is a free response in thanksgiving for the gift of education he was generous enough to extend to me. I freely chose sacred scripture as my specialization. And I would choose it again. I could spend my life studying scripture and never come close to exhausting its richness.

I am not alone in choosing him back. His loyal right-hand man chooses him back and serves him in any way he can—be it by baking bread to support ALS or cooking dinner or taking the dog for a walk. Our librarian gave up a much more lucrative job to serve in his seminary. Teachers of sacred scripture go all the way to Tagaytay to teach because of their friendship. I would serve him for as long as he is there. 

His critics may continue to criticize. But you have to ask yourself why those who know him like to stick around. That priest has peeled a singkamas and shared half of it with me. I am not that good or humble of a servant. But no task is beneath him. He just happens to have people around him who like to do those things for him (admittedly, I only like to do office-related stuff; maybe I'll wash dishes but no, I can't cook and I dislike cleaning).

Someone might criticize him for not praying with his community enough. I think it is impossible for a man to achieve what he does if he was not secretly praying. And that's how I see his good deeds—done in secret. I think he prays in secret too.

Because of all the man does for me, for ALS, and for CTS, among others, I can't help feeling hurt that maybe some folks do not see him the way I do. I can't help feeling that we, the CTS, are at the periphery of this community. Maybe it's because he sees his service to the seminarians as one of a disciplinarian. That does not make him very popular. But as a teacher in the Certificate in Theological Studies, “a Saturday program open to everyone especially to faith-seekers and laypeople who would like to have a deeper and critical knowledge of the Bible and the Christian faith,” he is a shepherd trying to call the sheep back home. He is all smiles, no grades, and free coffee for the lay. Is it possible that the older brother seminarian is jealous of the younger prodigal child? Why does this shepherd give the younger one free coffee while giving the older brothers a lecture for doing something wrong?

Again, I believe it is how he loves. He expects much from future priests and often gives them the stick. From the lay, he hopes they will continue to deepen in the faith, so he extends the carrot. But if the older brother seminarian would just pluck up the courage to get to know Fr. R, I think he will be surprised to find RCF has a very tender heart.

For everything you do, Fr. R, thanks. You may not get an award from anyone else but we in the CTS love you very much.

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